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Web Design With The User In Mind

We can do that.

We also understand that people change and that your website must give the customer the best experience.

This is where we use User-Centered Web Design to ensure we build the right web site for your customer’s needs. The World Wide Web is evolving at a rapid pace and website design must evolve with it and become more sophisticated, yet easy to use or get left behind.

In order to maintain a User-Centered Web Design, our web designers will keep in contact with you to gather information, feedback and direction on where you want your website to go, how you want it to look and how you want it to function based on the needs of your customers.  Your website is not just about telling the world what you can do, it should be more about how your product or services can help solve a problem.

If you can think of it we can create it.

The most important features our web designers take into consideration are context, user requirements, design, accessibility and functionality.

We don’t push out cookie cutter websites. Our web designers will go the extra mile to speak with you and gain a level of empathy towards the project enabling us to create exactly what the user needs.

User-Centered Web Design improves the whole experience, from keeping you involved in the build from beginning to end as well as improving the end user experience. 

We understand that the customer must have the best experience you can offer as an unfriendly website will drive customers away. Our web designers will build a website that can be adapted to the user’s habits and, as such, offer the user a more immersive experience.

By using User-Centered Web Design you will be giving your customers what they want, when they want it, in an easy to use and enjoyable platform. Happy customers equal increased productivity and sales.

In this fast paced world where technology ebbs and flows in the blink of an eye, we at Project Web Designs in Bournemouth and Poole can not only keep up but surpass the competition.


We believe in providing a wide range of services to improve your business. Find a service that best fits your needs, give us a go and never look back!

Wordpress Web Design

WordPress web design solutions, tailor-made to your business requirements.

Mobile Responsive Design

There is no need for a separate mobile website when you have a well-designed layout.

Logo design & company branding

We also provide logo design, full company brand development & branding updates.

Marketing, Maintenance etc

Everything else you need, under one roof. One call does it all, for marketing, design, and web needs.


Would you like to see some of our previous work? Then please come and check out our portfolio.


TEL: 07876717216





8AM - 7PM

SAT 10AM -2 PM